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Counterfeiters try to benefit from our popularity by fooling customers into purchasing fake products.
We combat counterfeiting to safeguard our relationship with you and give you the best possible experience with our product.
Conair LLC has obtained worldwide patents and trademarks for our premium products and is serious about enforcing its rights against sellers, importers and makers of counterfeit and imitation goods. Conair and BaBylissPRO care deeply about the safety of our customers. We conduct rigorous testing to ensure the safety and integrity of our products. Poor-quality imitations and counterfeit electrical hair and grooming appliances have exhibited significant defects that can cause serious harm to users and/or damage to their businesses or other property.
The Company's goal is to protect its brands, products and our customers. All legitimate BaBylissPRO™ styling and grooming products are protected by granted and/or pending patents as well as registered trademarks. Please be sure to purchase BaBylissPRO™ product from a trusted distributor to ensure product performance, satisfaction as well as your safe use.
If you have seen counterfeit goods or have encountered a counterfeit or product of inferior quality that looks suspicious, please contact us at Report Counterfeit Goods at